The purpose of the Warkworth Mens Rebus Club is to provide meetings and fellowship for retired and semi-retired persons who value opportunities to meet with others of similar interest, enjoy hearing addresses by guest speakers on topical subjects, and visiting places and organizations of specific appeal to members. Our club is non political, non racial and non sectarian.
In the monthly meeting on a the third Monday of the month, from 10 am to 12 noon as follows: 20 to 30 minutes business and a short talk given by a club member. Morning tea follows for 30 minutes, and afterwards an invited speaker and questions. In addition, we are in the process of forming interest groups so that members with similar hobbies can get together on an informal basis.
We are a Men’s only Club formed by the Rotary Club of Warkworth in 1985. While Rotary was responsible for the creation of our Club, it is not necessary for Rotary to sponsor the establishment of a Rebus Club. Most members of existing Rebus Clubs have never been Rotarians. Many clubs are sponsored initially by Rotary, but after formation become autonomous and independent of Rotary and independent of each other. Past membership of Rotary is not a requirement for potential members of Rebus. In fact most Rebus members have not been Rotarians.
We are non-profit making and non-fund raising. Membership fees are kept to a minimum, currently, $20 per annum and a one off joining fee of $10. No levy is charged to cover the hire of the venue and morning tea, it's all included in the annual fee.
There is no restriction on the number of members from any one vocation. Rebus members may be active members of any other club or organization.
Our Club is a Men's only Club but spouses and guests are invited to participate in some outings and in special functions. There is a women’s Rebus Club in Warkworth. Who knows, maybe we shall merge to form a mixed club. It is entirely up to the involved clubs themselves.